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WELCOME TO THE TENURE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT...   May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. - 2 Corinthians 13:14


The Redeemed Christian Fellowship of the University of Lagos is a subsidiary of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministry of RCCG. We are Christ-centered and have the mandate to shine our light in and beyond the environs of school. We are the chosen generation.


  1. To make heaven.
  2. To take as many people (students, corpers, youth) with us.
  3. To have a member of RCF/RCCF in every family across the nation.
  4. To accomplish No. 1 above, holiness will be our lifestyle.
  5. To accomplish No. 2 and 3 above, we will plant fellowships within every campus (federal universities, polytechnics, colleges, technical schools, etc) across the nation. We will pursue these objectives until every nation in the world is reached for the Lord Jesus Christ.


RCF UNILAG Chapter envisions a vibrant and diverse campus fellowship within the University of Lagos, where students are transformed through the love of Christ. We aim to create an inclusive community that embraces students from various backgrounds, nations, and cultures. Our vision is to empower young leaders to become influential voices on campus, spreading the message of Christ and igniting a spiritual awakening. Through vibrant worship, authentic fellowship, and a focus on individual growth, we provide a nurturing environment for students to develop their faith. RCF UNILAG aspires to be a catalyst for positive change, impacting lives and inspiring a generation rooted in love and committed to the spiritual transformation of the University of Lagos community.


Our core values are inspired by 1 Peter 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:”. The scripture ‭‭serves as guiding principles that shape our mission, inform our decisions, and drive our outreach strategies within our campus fellowship.
The Word of God: Recognizing the authority and power of the Word of God, we value its central role in our lives and ministries. We diligently study and meditate on Scripture, allowing it to guide our beliefs, decisions, and actions — sound teaching and study of the Word of God. 
Identity: Embracing our identity as a chosen and special people, we value a deep understanding of our purpose and worth in Christ. We recognize that we are set apart for His service and strive to live in accordance with this calling. 
Holiness: Committed to a life of holiness, we value purity of heart, mind, and actions. We seek to align our thoughts, speech, and behavior with God’s Word, striving to reflect His righteousness in all aspects of our lives. 
Worship: Recognizing that we are a royal priesthood, we value a lifestyle of worship. We embrace both personal and communal worship, offering our lives as living sacrifices and honoring God with our whole being. 
Proclamation: Embracing our role as a chosen generation, we value sharing the message of Christ boldly and effectively. We seek to proclaim the good news of salvation, inviting others to experience the transformative power of Jesus Christ. 
Love: Believing in our call to be a holy nation, we value building a strong and loving community within our fellowship. We prioritize authentic relationships, mutual support, and accountability as we journey together in faith. 
Service: Committed to fulfilling our role as God’s own possession, we value serving others with love and compassion. We seek to meet the practical and spiritual needs of those around us, extending Christ’s love to our campus and beyond. 
Excellence: Recognizing our call to proclaim His praises, we value excellence in all we do. We strive for excellence in our academic pursuits, personal growth, and ministry endeavors, honoring God by giving our best in every aspect of our lives.