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WELCOME TO THE TENURE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT...   May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. - 2 Corinthians 13:14



We’re here in this place,
Standing before the Lord,
Seeking His holy face,
Living by His word,
Strength gained, We’ll go on
United, come what may
For all that He has done,
We will lift our voice to say

Say it loud, say it strong
We are the chosen generation
Say it loud, say it strong
RCF, one family

We are the people who are not forsaken, a people that can’t be shaken,
Raised up high, high above,
Guided and protected by God’s own love,

A people sought after, a people that’s filled with laughter,
A holy people redeemed of the Lord, standing together in one accord.

Say it loud, say it strong
We are the chosen generation
Say it loud, say it strong
RCF, one family

Kept by the power of God,
We are kept by the power of God,
Day by day, Come what may,
We are kept by the power of God,