The people of Ayinke worship Olodumare, their one and only true God, and they strictly adhere to His teachings. They do not worship any other deities.
The people of Ayinke worship Olodumare, their one and only true God, and they strictly adhere to His teachings. They do not worship any other deities.
Dear reader, remember that it’s never too late as long as you have breath in your lungs. God’s mercy knows no bounds and reaches even the deepest depths of sin.
We require faith in our daily lives because it provides that assurance we need. A significant portion of our lives is lived based on faith.
Spiritual Devotion is the consistent and committed attachment and inclination to the ways of God. A spiritually devoted Christian is one who is totally sold out to God, someone who has utmost affection and zeal for the things of God (PSALMS 69:9).
RCF’s organizing unit calls for support as we take our sound system to a new level. The fellowship is on a project of purchasing new sound equipment. The support of everyone can make this a reality in due time. Thank you. RCF one family. 👫
Bank Name: Zenith BANK
Acc No: 1013422102
Description: Sound project
RCF’s transportation unit calls for support as we take the transportation unit to Elijah’s level. The fellowship is on a project of purchasing a new bus and fixing the old bus. The support of everyone can make this a reality in due time. Thank you. RCF one family. 👫
Bank Name: Zenith BANK
Acc No: 1000864356
Description: Bus project